Projects done in the scope of my Masters Degree at King's College.
Prototype proof-of-concept desktop software for indexing files to a multi-dimensional relationship graph for the purpose of mapping out files, events and people to each other (social graph)
Letter set generator and sequencer read simulator.
Made primarily to test and compare with original data sets deBruijn graph construction.
Group project done as part of University (KCL) with the goal of creating an urban traffic simulation of connected road networks. Highlights include:
Projects and coursework done in during my time doing my Foundation and BSc Hons degrees at Birkbeck University, London.
Desktop tool for the beta version of the Elite:Dangerous game to keep travel logs and find paths in game space. Some highlights:
Developed for the final year project BSc Computing at Birkbeck University.
Assignments made as part of the Software Paradigm module 2014 at Birkbeck University.
Coursework and experiments done during the Computer Networking module 2014 at Birkbeck University.
Assignments made as part of the Software and Programming II module Birkbeck University.
Assignment done as part of the JavaScript module at Birkbeck University consisting of:
Final year Foundation IT degree project consisting of creating a website for a client using Wordpress.
Wordpress theme built up (essentially created) from a bare-bone blank template using XHTML, CSS and some light use of PHP scripting